
1. Amount of people per filter machine

We are working on a system based on data analysis which thanks to technology which involves Raman Spectroscopy, we can detect the amount of microplastics (and the type of it, even if they are polymers or other material). Even though we have done a modification on the Raman to apply it to solids and it requires less complex analysis, we have to take into account the amount of analysis we are doing per day. 


To make this calculation, first we are considering the volume of aspirated air in 2 h by the air pump:

We are able to see the volume the vaccum will absorve. Knowing the distribution of people in the room. 

We will be using 1 filter per 4 people, what means having 0.25 filter per person


100 people/room -> 25 Filter

200 people/room -> 50 Filter

2. Time of Data Collection

In first place, we have to be aware of our Rate 15.0 ± 0.1 L/min.  If we are using it between 1 h and 2.5 h (Depending on the room space), we won’t block up the poruses of the filter. 

3. Schematics

This is the schematic of the table with which we are basing the calculations. 

4. Sample Analysis per Filter

5. Relation Filter per Person

The concentration obtained on the Raman spectrocopy is not the same than the one that a person would have inhalated in that time.

When the Ramman spectrosopy will give us the concentration we will have to apply the relation to know the real value of inhalation of the people. 

6. Why on the table?

We put the filter on the table for three main reasons: 

  1. To collect the samples closer to where the tools and instruments are used to process the textile.
  2. To disturb the workers as little as possible while they carry out their tasks
  3. Other measures such as masks with filters would disturb the results and comparisons in the second phase of the process.